Wednesday, 14 April 2010

I am:
Happy. Sad. A good friend. Adventurous. Shy. ConfidentProcrastinating *hell yeah .A male. Bored. Anxious. Clumsy. Sociable. Always punctual.Selfish.Intelligent. Funny. A femaleSarcastic. Insecure. Sick. Beautiful (in my own way).Articulate. LoudKind. Even temperedHonest. Short. Tall.Medium height. Proud of myselfLoving. Witty. Down to earth. Outspoken. Determined. High maintenance. Pretty. Assertive. Organized. Selfless.

I have:
Brown hair. Blue eyes. Pale skin. Brown eyes. Curly hair. Long fingernails. Curves. Braces. Chipped nail polish. Long legs. Straight hair. A fringe. Long eyelashes. Sore feet. Dark skin. Green eyes. Blonde hair. Dyed hair. Red hair. Short legs. Big boobs. Rosy cheeks. Wavy hair. Black hairA small waist. Piercings. Tattoos. Big ears. Short hair.

I love:
Babies. Flowers. Kisses. Summer. Coffee. The rain. Candles. Incense. Late night talk shows. Insects. Hugs. AttentionThe beach. ChocolateMusic. Hats. Harry Potter. Twilight. Facebook. Black and white photos. Sleeping in. Driving. Narrating my pet’s thoughts. Opening gifts. Buying gifts. Halloween. Cute texts. Apples. Compliments. Country music. Hip hop. Sushi. Sports. Art. Singing. Seeing my loved ones happy.SurprisesSunsets and sunrises. Skinny dipping. Horror Zombie movies. Simon Cowell. Family Guy. Garlic. Hearing somebody talk in their sleep.Being right. KFC. Abstract photography. Concerts and festivals.Tanning. Oversized t-shirts.

My s.o/crush/ex is:
Tall. Intelligent. SelfishSelfless. Confusing. Funny. A good singer.Mysterious. Bad for me. Sweet. An animal lover. A surfer. A skater. Dating somebody else. Blonde. Unaffectionate. Charming. Brunette. Romantic. A liar. Easy to forgive. Dealing with problems. Moody. Kind to my friends.Boring. ShyGorgeous. Caring. Short. A redhead. In college. At work. At school. Always texting me. Pale skinned. Tanned. Quiet. Obnoxious. Protective of meJealous. Cocky.

I would love to be a:
Police officer. Lawyer. Doctor. Teacher. Fruit picker. Mother. Greenpeace volunteerHippie. Groupie. Rockstar. Footballer’s wife. Therapist. Singer. Actress. Diving instructor. Lottery winner. Company owner. Housewife.Nurse. Builder. Race car driver. Website developer. An inspirational talker. Music teacher. Artist. Chef. Homeless shelter volunteer. Fitness trainer. Vet.Radio MPR show host. Band manager.

I like to eat:
Fruit. Vegetables. Fast food. Sushi. In bed. Rice. Sandwiches. Subway.Chicken. Cakes. Seafood. A lotPasta. Rice crackers. When I’m boredCheeseIce creamGarlic bread. Peanut butter out of the jar. Eggs. Lots of ethnic foods. Pancakes. Honey. Lunch. Bread crusts. Low calorie foods. Soy products. Gluten free products. Only when I’m hungry. Toast. Breakfast. Pizza.

I dislike:
Cold mornings. Baths. People dissing my taste in music. People in front of me walking really slowly. Having my personal space invaded.Cleaning. Going to bed early. Wine/beer. Religion arguments. Coffee. The beach.Rain. Children. Having my photo taken. Drama. Gossiping. Hip hop. Cooking showsDrugs. Cats. People singing happy birthday to me.School. Selfish people. Social networking sites. Swimming. Snow. Eminem. Seafood. One word text messages. Awkward silencesAlarm clocks.

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