Friday, 6 January 2012

thoughts #249

Tuhan tidak pernah menganugerahkan cinta yang tak pernah bersatu. Manusia yang menciptakannya. perbedaan.

Thursday, 5 January 2012


today i came at one point in my life.
i have nothing but you guys.
seriously, mau saldo rekening gue di bank berratus2 juta, kalo ga ada kalian, ga ada gunanya. i have no one to spent with. to laugh with. to be stupid with. to cry with.

jadi intinya, harta gue ya lo semua. ya kalian. jadi jangan heran dan mikir saya menye2 kalo saya suka ngerengek minta ketemu. itu artinya saya masih nganggep kalian *yaiyalah apa si lu Ga*

so, it makes me think, the most precious thing in this world if you could wake up and found the one you love next to you.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

this might be weird
but i'm always wondering
by how will you torn me someday. since you're not an asshole. you're such a sweet boy next door.
and you are not a gay (bcs according to you, there are only two kind boys in the world, gays and assholes - and you're none both of them)
but i know.. you will.

bcs i'm always be the one who loves too much.

Jesus, i love you, and Buddha too. how is that?

Oh Jesus i love you and i love Buddha too
Ramakrishna, Guru Dev
Tao Te Ching and Mohammed
Why do people say
that there is just one way one to love you
God i come to you
we are all apart of you
is the universe your thought
you are and you are not
you are all and you are non
every end or just begun
Alright x3
I love you and Buddha too

Sunday, 1 January 2012


duh gamau bikin resolusi muluk2.
2012 ya 2012. it's just abt time, kenapa harus bikin resolusi tiap tahun padahal resolusi yang lama ga kelar2.
bikin aja resolusi baru tiap resolusi yang lama selesai.

karena resolusi yang lama udah kelar, saya bikin yang baru. punya mobil. ato pindah kampus. ato nemu tebengan. ato pindah kota (kalo bisa negara). ato.. berharap lebih kuat lagi. GUE CAPEK WOY. dan plis plis, majlah ato radio. pameran atao buku. satuuu aja, Ga.

this is beyond perfect

planning a dinner.
then you got sick and i got cramps bcs of my period.
but we have each other. side by side.
just two of us, watching an hour non stop fireworks from the 37th floor's balcony.
this is how lame we spent new year's eve but i still love it more than having a big party without you. hehe.
sorry im just this cheesy.
gue merasa ga adil sama orang tua yang ngelarang anaknya pacaran sama yang beda agama.

hai para orang tua, emangnya pacar anak lo minta dilahirin sebagai agama x atau z? ngga kan? it's like you're blaming squirrel for stealing a nuts.
dan apakah menajdi penganut z/x itu, anak lo jadi ikutan meninggalkan tuhan-nya? kalo iya, in my humble opinion, itu salah anak lo yang emang goyah keimannya. dari awal emang udah goyah dasarnya.

lagian, agama apapun itu, yang harus dijunjung tetep etika sih. itu juga toh dasar semua agama kan?