Wednesday 26 August 2009


oke, gw sadar, selama gw ngebuat blog ini, sampai detik ini gw ga pernah ngepost tentang cowo ganteng, padahal di blog2 tmn2 gw, dah bertebaran co2 cakep.

tenang, gw normal kok hahaha
bukannya apa, gw emang susah bilang cowo ganteng ampe menggilai sedemikian rupa.
susah, bukan ga bisa.

tapi kali ini beda..
mata gw kebuka *halah* hahaha

gw tau ini telat bgt, tp semalem gw br nntn The Day After Tomorrow
meen.... asli, Jake Gylenhaal lucu bangeet hahah

gatau knp menurut gw, dia ga kayak aktor2 amerika lainya, padahal sama kan ya? hmm
gatau, gw melihat wajah Indonesian di muka dia. h
muka mirip2 Kevin Aprilio. iya ga sih? only when he smiles.
trus mukanya kayak selalu muda gitu dimata gw,hahaha

cekidot deh gan
*eww, no comment ah :P

my favorite scene in The day After Tomorrow are when Sam (Jake Gylenhaal) talked all night long with Laura (Emmy Rossum, she's cute by the way), sharing stories and forgetting the big big problem outside for a while. in front of warm chimney.

Laura Chapman: How'm I supposed to adjust, Sam? Everything I've ever cared about, everything I've worked for... has all been preparation for a future that no longer exists. I know you always thought I took the competition too seriously... you were right. It was all for nothing.
Sam Hall: No, no... No I just, I just said that to avoid admitting the truth.
Laura Chapman: The truth about what?
Sam Hall: ...About w-why I joined the team... I joined it because of you.

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