Monday, 24 August 2009

my favorite boy

Now, here's what you're supposed to do. And please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answer, type in your answer and tag 20 of your friends from here in facebook to answer this. Then see what happens.

If you're a guy - post this as "my kind of girl"
If you're a girl - post this as "my kind of boy"

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
> yeah. who doesnt?

2. Smart?
> yes. but not academic.

3. Preferred age?
> diuatamakn lebih tua (terserah asal jgn lebih dr 5thn)

4. Preferred height?
> taller than me.

5. How about sense of humor?
> a high least he could make me smile.

6. How about piercings?
> better not.

7. Accepts you for who you care?
> iyalaaaaaaaaa

8. Pink hair?
> big no.

9. Mushy or no?
> not too much

10. Thin or fat?
> middle. perfect.

11. Black, brown or white (skin color)?
> brown, i love chocolate ;P

12. Long hair or short hair?
> messed, not too long.

13. Plastic or metal?
> what for? metal deh. kan say no to plastic! haha

14. Smells good?
> yes. ga perlu brand parfum mahal tp, he has to smell good. and fresh.

15. Smoker?
> good news : i dont care

16. Drinker?
> good news : i dont care too

17. Girl/boy-next-door type?
> nah

18. Muscular?
> euhh, not too much please.

19. Plays piano?
> would be great.

20. Plays bass/and accoustic guitar?
> surely bass, but acoustic its okay too

21. Plays violin?
> too feminine for me.

22. Sings very good?
> no need

23. Vain?
> anti

24. With glasses?
> in cute way

25. With braces?
> would be so cutee :D

26. Shy type?
> haha, lets see.

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
> rebel. i dont date a good boy :P

28. Active or passive?
> middle pleasee.

29. Tight or bomb?
> gatau

30. Singer or dancer?
> musician.

31. Stunner?
> well...

32. Hiphop?
> no no onooo

33. Earrings?
> depends. but better not.

34. Mr/Ms count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop?
> leave me.

35. Dimples?
> hmm..

36. Bookworm?
> yahh.. lets see.

37. Mr/Ms love letter?
> no please. you wont get my heart with those pick up line.

38. Playful?
> in what way? yes deh.

39. Flirt?
> not too much pleasee

40. Poem writer?
> depends on poem he created. klo mcm rangga si boleh deh, klo macem pujangga putus cinta, stay away.

41. Serious?
> on right time.

42. Campus crush?
> no

43. Painter?
> not necessary

44. Religious?
> just need to believe in God.

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
> in a good way please.

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
> internet freak. hah whats the diff -.-

47. Speaks 20 languages?
> hell no, english well is enough.i would like speaking to some kind of alien if he could

48. Loyal or faithful?
> both.

49. Good kisser?
> would be great.

50. Loves children?
> yes. but no necessary actually.

so here's the list ppl i tag :
Maria Christina
Asmara Abigail
Elvina Lee

anyone who interests in? please feel free to tag yourself in.

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