Thursday, 30 December 2010

falling in love is sucks.

let me tell you why, bcs you couldnt stop thinking about him/her.

they are the first thing you think about when we wake up, and the last thing we think about when we go to sleep.
we couldnt stop expecting. too much. and (not) knowing it may hurt us in the future.
we couldnt stop thinking what if's that he/she does to you. and what the hell it means. EVEN IT'S JUST SAYING BYE INSTEAD OF OK BYE, NIGHT. SOMEHOW IT HAS DIFFERENT MEANING, when you're fall in love.
we couldnt stop thinking about how do they feel toward us and guessing all the meaning of their words.

there is no better word to describe it. it is indeed “falling” in love, and that’s what sucks about it. we are tricked into it like an addictive gambling game, and then you are tripped, and you fall, and you keep falling in a seemingly endless spiral. and, like everything that falls, you eventually hit a bottom, and it will be hard and painful. 
but then again, i dont say love's sucks. it's just falling that sucks. :)

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