Monday 11 July 2011


waktu. itu.. sebuah ruang yang sampai sekarang ga bisa saya definisikan. tapi jelas, kita berada di dalamnya. terjebak.
time is the only reason so things didnt happen twice.

waktu itu relatif. kata siapa kita ga bisa loncat ke masa depan? bisa. cuma rentang waktunya ga bis panjang-panjang.
gimana caranya? lets say you're in somewhere where the time is 7 am. then you go to somewhere where it's 7pm on the next day already. VOILA! YOU'RE IN THE FUTUTRE.

back to the past? just go to somewhere where its still before 7am. easy right?
or you just can set up the clock. voila........ #trollface

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