Thursday, 29 September 2011

its suckks

stop for a while, think about my undone targets so far.
then i think, where were i went? what have i done? why haven't i do it yet?

hike a mountain.
go to boscha.
make art.
buy this and that.

who am i slaving for after all this time?

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

#romantis itu part 2

  1. ketika dia berhenti sejenak saat bermain game, atau menonton bola, hanya untuk membalas pesan singkat kamu.padahal dia itu maniak bola/game..
  2. ketika dia mengenalkan kamu ke teman2nya sambil mengucapkan "kenalin, cewe gue.." sambil tersenyum bangga.
  3. ketika dia tau kapan harus diam saat kamu kesal dan bertanya saat kamu sedih. sekedar bertanya..
  4. ketika dia.. menatap kamu saat kamu berbicara. hanya menatap dan tersenyum. mendengarkan.

Friday, 23 September 2011

thoughts #232

hidup itu.. adl bagaimana lo mencentangi daftar impian lo.


kemarin tuh ya, harusnya kelas jam set 2. sampe jam 5. sore.
trus taunya ada KP dari jam set 8 PAGI.
okeh brangkat.
jatah KP cm 2 sks padahal bolongnya 4 sks.
okeh, jadi jam SEMBILAN PAGI udah kelar tuh KP.

sisa 5 JAM LEBIH. sampe kelas berikutnya set 2 nanti.
okeh, pulang ga mungkin, udah 3 jam sendiri.
yaudah.. jalan2 bersosialisasi.

karokean sampe jam 1. buru2 ke kampus lagi biar ga telat. dosennya penting.
nyampe kelas...... taunya dosennya ga ada.

mau nelen pedang dan api trus disemburin balik ke tuh dosen trus lo telen tuh dosen panggang lagi ga si rasanya?

Sunday, 18 September 2011

thoughts #231

Betapa gampangnya pemain sinetron cinlok sm lawan mainnya menunjukkan seberapa profesionalnya mrk.

thoughts #230

Logikanya, orang yg suka math dan cabang science lainnya itu insecure. Maka mrk memilih ilmu pasti, yang udh predictable.
Dan biasanya, mrk yang suka art punya jiwa adventurer. Karena mrk dinamis, dan cenderung cepat bosan.
Tapi gue ga bilang org art itu ga insecure. They're insecure as fck. That's why they choose art to let it out.

thoughts #229

Life is easy. Living is another story.

thoughts #228

My only rule when you wanna break the rule : don't trouble the others.

thoughts #227

asdfghjkl - aplikasi bentuk chaos theory. ya ga si?


sometimes i am sick people think themselves as unique.

i dont know.. i dont think i'm unique either.
i think i am just ordinary human with extraordinary people around me.

if people think they're unique, then unique is no longer unique anymore.
how's unique when everyone is unique?
whats the different?

if you think you're unique, let people judge you. and tell you, that you are.
how come you think you're unique if you still breathe the same air with others do.
eating the same rice with others do.
buy clothes where others do, rather than make your own clothes.
doing what others do.
going where others go.

we might be the same, but we could, at least, stand out. in our own way.
and thats our problem to find out how.

bendera kuning.

ketika, mata bertemu. dengan sorot yang sudah lama diidamkan.
dengan sinar yang tak pernah redup dalam ingatan
dan dengan bayangan yang akan selalu mengingatkan.

ketika semesta bersabda, sudah saatnya.

ketika itu juga, hati kembali merindu.
membakar rasa.
yang semula pernah padam. atau sekiranya..

tapi, apabila hanya dengan dikibarkannya bendera kuning, baru bisa bersua.
dengan begitu senja rela tak memeluk laut.

back to me. and my dull life.

iihhh blog apaan sih nih.. sepi bangettt. fuh fuhh *niup niupin debu*
maaf ya.. *minta maaf sama siapa juga. kayak banyak yang baca*

so what did you miss...
  1. thisya ultah. entah kenapa setiap afre ultah selalu ada ritual ga tertulis kalo bakal ada surprise yang lama2 makin jadi ga surprise. tapi bukannya bermaksud garing, but we just love each other so much not to miss the surprises part. but, yang bikin gue kadang2 kecewa adlaah kurangnya inisiatif masing2 afre. karena entah kenapa gue selalu ngerasa gue (smaa vina lah) mulu yang ngurus dan berniatan. giliran kmrn gue kuliah, tiba2 kelimpungan. padahal kita ber9. kecewa. dan yang bikin lebih kecewa adalah ketika, semua orang kayaknya berubah. yang tadinya ber9 jadi............ udahlah ya :)
  2. setelah 3 bulan membabi di rumah akhirnya gue masuk. satu hal yang gue notice perbedaan libur 3 bulan dari mau kuliah (dari SMA ke kuliah) sama pergantian semester sekarang, ketika dlu gue semangat banget dan bosen ampun-ampunan pengen cepet2 kuliah. setelah gue kuliah, ga ada sedikitpun rasa ingin kuliah. sebegitu parahnyakah kampus gue sampe gue ga pgn kuliah? makanya, gue cuma minta semangat di september ini.
  3. terus...... beberapa hari lalu gue dikejutkan dengan berita duka om gue. dan kemudian disusul nyokapnya Aldo dipanggil Tuhan beberap hari lalu. ya Tuhan gtau deh gue mesti ngomong apa. paling males sama berita beginian. yang jelas semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan dikuatkan dan diberi keiklhasan. karena emang ga ada yang abadi kan. semua balik lagi ke sang pencipta. gue selalu mikir ketika seseorang yang lo cintai di panggil Tuhan, anggaplah Tuhan terlalu egois dan lebih mencintai dia daripada lo, dan memutuskan untuk mengambilnya untuk bersamaNya. :(
  4. Abigail is officially tattooed. dan gue cukup senang ketika dia memepercayakan akoh untuk menemaninyaa. :3 nanti ya gilirankuu.. (buka buka kamus)
  5. terus.... entah kenapa makin kesini, love is around me like literally in the air but it seems i am the only one who's not breathing it. so am gonna die, choking bcs running out of air. love. whatever. isnt it my turn to be loved? #thesaddestsentencefromme

how you gonna live you life?

people keep telling us that life is only once so live your life to the fullest.

but whats fullest? how is fullest like?
i mean... if people realize that life is only once, then, why the heck they still do the same routines like dead robot?
i mean, i dont see where's the fullest part they living in.

i keep see so damn many people who grew up, going to school, get a job, married, sick and die.


i dont see everybody do whatever they want. dont care bout money. smoking pot everyday. jump from the bridge just bcs they feelin it, dance in the street.
doing sky diving, travel around the world.

being out of our comfort zone.

so you still want to tell me, live my life to the fullest?
if you really want me to live to the fullest, i'd travel to north and you will never see me as in me now.

bcs, we are greedy bitch. we will never live our life to the fullest, bcs we will always want some more.
we are only human.
the only key to live our life to the fullest rather than spending our money.
is, being grateful to the fullest with what we have now. and make it double to the next level.

Friday, 9 September 2011

this is my confession, pals.

I have tendency to keep all the ppl I love around me. I am possesive, indeed. I'm selfish bitch. I get jealous. I am scared knowing they can leave me sooner or later.
I don't wanna be attached, but I can't avoid it.
I don't wanna be alone at last.
I'm afraid they will forget me someday, knowing they wouldn't but they change.

So I guess its just me and my fckd up feelings now.