Tuesday, 21 April 2009

when you got nothing to dooooo *lets play*

bosan bosaan.
ayoo main yuu :)

-hmm nemu di blog orang dan di sudah cukup menjamur di fb-
mau bkin juga dehhh, jadii isi ___ nya gitu loh. nemu di fb nih. haha

I ____ you.
You have a nice ______.
You make me _______.
You should _______.
Someday I will ______.
You + me = ________.
If I saw you now, I'd __________.
I want to ________ you.
I would build a _______ just for you.
If I could sing you any song it would be _________.
We could __________ under the stars.


(P.S. ______________.)

*yu mari diisi*

mau bkin juga dehhh, jadii isi ___ nya gitu loh. nemu di fb nih. haha

Dear *peep*(sorry for the cencored, im just not ready to publish his name),
I really miss you.
You have a nice eyes and everything on you just look so cool.
You make me smile even cry in the same time.
You should be with me i think.
Someday I will be yours (crossing fingers).
You + me = could be happy for sure.
If I saw you now, I'd hug , stop the time and then hug youuu agaiin.
I want to hug you (for such a long time and cry on your shoulder, may i?).
I would build a song (? if i could) just for you.
If I could sing you any song it would be (everything song reminds me of you my dear, ijust cant decide it) my own song may be.
We could lay down and enjoy the moment we had under the stars.


(P.S. i knew its kinda too much. its just for fun but, i really mean it.)

another game

jadi pertanyaannya, kalo aku..., ... apakah aku?
contoh : kalo aku makanan, makanan apakah aku?

ngerti kan?


:: coklat (everybody loves chocolate, right?)

:: durian, tajem tapi memabukkan aww jijik ah. haha bukan2 hmmm apa ya? jeruk.seger.ga ketebak.bisa asem bisa manis kadang agak pahit.

:: putih. bersih. polos. ga macem2. simple. dan yang plg bgs, fit sama smua warna.

:: 8 (my number)

:: desember. (gw sih lahirnya februari tp gw sukanya desember. ada natal sih hhe)

:: winter (susah jelasinnya kenapa.)

siang pagi malem subuh sore?
:: malem

:: fox.i love fox. versi wildnya anjing :p

alat olahraga?
:: apa aja asal jangan bola sepak.sakit oi ditendang2!

:: lemon tea. ga manis ga asem.pas.

status msn?
:: online. selalu ada untuk kamuu hahahahha (huek)

alat transportasi?
:: kaki termasuk ga?

alat elekronik?
:: handphone.connects people.ato camera :D capture moment

alat tulis?
:: *bingung* pensil warna kali ya.

alat makan?
:: garpu. tajem soalnya.aww (teruuuusss??????-.-)

:: 12 pas.2 or even 3 become 1

anggota tubuh?
:: mata.

darat langit laut?
:: langit

genre film?
:: komedi. seneng rasanya bisa bikin orang seneng.

bold italic underline?
:: italic hmm ga gitu suka jadi yang menonjol hhe

gunung pantai?
:: pantai aja deh

alat musik?
:: flute. gw suka suaranya.

:: oli <>

hmmm main apa lagi yaah??
*nyanyi : your love is worth waiting fooorrr ooo*
hmmm apa yah? hoaamm ngantuk2 ngga nih.

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