Thursday, 29 December 2011

"hold on, ma.."

everybody is so lonely.
i can see a shade of loneliness in their eyes.
however many friends they have, family they got, they feel lonely in the night.

thoughts #248

lets last in lust.

thoughts #247

oh let me sink in this guilty-pleasure. i am such a jerk.

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

thoughts #246

laziest thing to do is packing? then dont go anywhere! stay at home. and dont whine abt it! at least be more thankful you still do packing to go somewhere while some ppl out there is stuck where they are and dreaming to go outside.

Sunday, 25 December 2011

thoughts #245

"There is only one emotion. That emotion is Love, expressed in a thousand different ways."

recent issues : trust

i got problem with trusting, and to be trusted lately.
well, long time no post huh?

percaya. kepercayaan. kepada siapa kita akan menaruh kepercayan kita? dan apakah timbal balik kita yakin kita ga akan kecewa?

couple days ago, saya menemani orang marketing dari kampous saya untuk merepresentasikan kampus saya kepada adik2 unyu di SMA saya dulu.
tugas saya ya cuma nemenin di kakak marketing itu ngomong sambil ngeyakinin orang tua murid untuk mempercayakan anaknya ke kampus saya itu.saya sebagai bukti nyata (bahwa ada orang yang mampuu) yang berasal dari SMA itu dan skg kuliah disana.

i was like " noo, noo dont drag your kid to hell~~~" ahahah bukannya apa, sebagai tempat edukasi kampus saya cukup bermutu.
tapi saya ga pengen ada marga marga lainnya yang kecapean dan ngabisin seperempat harinya di jalan doang buat nuntut ilmu. kasian :( i dont think any kid would hold on.
tapi karena itu sudah jadi tugas saya, saya yah cuma senyam senyum aja pas disuruh komentar tentang gimana kampus saya. "seneng? seneng..." "deket? uu gampangg cuma naik buswayy" pret. kering dijalan iya lo.
dan saya ga tahan ketika kaka marketing itu kerap kali menjanjikan lapangan pekerjaan dan masa depan yang seakan cerah menanti kami sekeluar kami lulus.
like hello? do you really can keep what you just said? a bright future? a promising job? lie after us?? really?!
setelah kuliah er, setahun lebih. saya ragu sama itu. bukan.. bukan sama diri saya sendiri. tapi sama apa yang mereka janjikan.
semua balik lagi ke personal masing2. mas depan di tangan lo. bukan di omongan kakak2 marketing yang bahkan gatau gimana kondisi internal kampus yang dia jual.

moral of story? dont go to university while you dont know where to go. find job if you already know what you want. 

itu.. soal kepercayaan masa depan.
terus..... dipercaya.
i know i am a good liar. tapi sehebat apapun gue boong, not gonna say akan ketauan *troll face*, tapi gue akan cape juga boong.
kenapa mesti bohong si Ga? karena gue tau mereka ga kan siap dengan kenyataannya. im just gonna hold the truth a little while. just a little longer..

terus.. soal percaya sama perasaan.
i dont know.. (sampe sini gue tau, i might sound ultra galau) this is new to me. i'm trying to believe in such-thing-called-love. i dont know anybody could love a person like me. and i dont know what makes you do. but, just gimme time.

thats all for tonight.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

there's a long long path waiting for us to go.

another roses and you said sorry for not being romantic for this whole month?
are you kidding me?
you, yes you, are the sweteest thing ive ever known.
you may say so much pick up lines and cheesy words for jokes but despite all of them , i can see it from your eyes when you stare at me.
i like it when yourfingers lingers on mine. its like your hands fit mine.
i like it when i look at you, you are already there looking at me, smiling.
i like it when you say everything gonna be ok. even i know its not, i know it will.
i likeit when you make me like the only girl in the world.
i like it when you notice my beauty that might a bit hidden
i like it when you always trying to be there for me.
i likeit when you told me a story that i dont even understand bcs my mind busy looking at your adorable face. 
i like it when you hold me.
most of all i like you.
no, i love you. i think i love you. i think i fall harder and harder over you.
i will never be your mother's favorite and your daddy wont even look me in the eyes. but they just afraid something they cant understand.
i might not good at saying pretty things like you do, or doing sweet things like you do, but this is all i got.
i love you this far, my Dani(el Radcliffe). :*

PS: i am not good at keeping things, all i need is you. no flowers next month, deal? ;)