Sunday, 28 February 2010

c'est la vie

i have a big question running on my mind lately. how to collect 5 million rupiah in (more or less) 3 months?
maybe its just piece of cake for some of you.
but th problem is, i have to collect it by myself.

why? good question.
because, i am kind of independent girl who more like to get something that i want so bad with effort. nothing's instant in this world.
i mean, this thing that im craving for isnt really necessary so i guess my parent wont let their 5 million casually to me . and apparently, i am educated to get what i want by an effort. the bigger effort you make, the greater it tastes.

and, now i have no idea how to collect those money.
yes now i am officially need a job.

but, one thing  i know, i am sure i will get it this year. i dont know why. and, i can feel it in my hand now.
*growing positive thinking*


"when you had your heart broken, its like every songs you heard on the radio, fits your love story / mood. oh man, do i have to listen to those songs and keep remind me of you?!"


"daripada tuhan "mengambil nyawa orang" knp ga tuhan membiarkan kita hidup selamanya dan tidak perlu ada yang lahir lagi? we're stay constant. not a good idea? thats why i am not god"

Saturday, 27 February 2010

an inventor - ilovedyoufirst

i was a bookworm. i mean, i read a lot. now, i miss the old me. i want to read some books. a good books. note just only teenage novel. but an inspiring one. hmm, any suggestion?



or maybe its juts too many things in my head and i dont know how exactly to say it out. or.. maybe i’m just too lazy to try.


"are you that afraid of me?"


"people who dont like wearing white t's or whatever in white is perfectionist. they dont want to mess their t's / whatever with a dirt. they are afraid to be dirty. they want everything to be seen perfect so they're too afraid wearing white. and its definitely not me. bcs i love plain white t's"


"you have to know the rules before you break it, dumbass."

Friday, 26 February 2010

i hate this feeling.

i enjoy silence. i enjoy that nobody understands me. i enjoy things dont get along with my expectation. i enjoy surprise. i enjoy the hurt i feel. but sometimes i dont enjoy people around me. i dont feel like they're real. they are too fake, wearing shit masks. i sort of feel like i want to take control of them. teach them how they supposed to behave. tutor them like what i want. but i cant. no one can.

maybe i am egoist.
when i turn into silence, it means i want you all to shut the f* up but i cant just straightly insist you so, so i prefer to be shut up instead of you.

silence is gold. why? because, empty barrels have a loud noise. all mouth no trouser.
i should be more ignorant.


"i cant fit the world sometimes. i feel like i dont belong here. here. world. we live in"


"sometimes i wanna be so ignorant but i cant. especially when it comes about you. and what hurt me most is you dont even let me know whats your problem. not even."

let me tell you, what magic is

do you believe in magic? well, i do. i do believe in magic.

for me, magic is not the way you make someone disappear or appear a bunny from your hat. but its way more complicated and beatiful than that.

for me, magic is the way you make something impossible to possibly happen.
so, according to me, these are magic :

  1. photography. why? simple. i never understand how come a little black box can capture things we see, and we can put it into a piece of paper. yeah, i love the idea of capturing itself. its amazing i guess. you see things, you capture it. 
  2. cooking. put so many horrible tasted things and become something delicious. its magic!
  3. mother. how come a woman pull out a baby through, i can say, not-so-big hole?! 
  4. brain. so many awesome things , start from our brain. every cells in our brain is precious. this thing that make everything could happen.
  5. the magic itself.
all the trick that you used to see in someone's birthday party or TV show, i called it monkey bussines!  artistically science!

let me tell you my favorite song.

Scholastica by Barry Likumahuwa feat Benny L.

have you ever heard this song? if you ask me, what kind of music i like, i couldnt answer it, but if you ask me, whats song that you like and never get tired listening to that, this song might become possibly answer.

i dont know why. but this song is so.. chilling for me. i always listen to this when i am mad or sad. and definitely it boosts my mood.  i can tell this song could telling a story. yeah i know , this song is instrumental but, seriously, i can feel a story inside of it, and i can.. traveling in my own mind.

my favorite part is of course the flute part. the sound just so sophisticated. love it.

temen gw ada yang stress

di tengah jadwal sekolah yang dah semakin padat dgn TO dan peltam gr2 Un dah deket, tiba2, hari ini dtg. hari libur. wah feels like oase in the middle of desert for us. tapi sialnya, besok itu (sabtu) ga libur juga, kita (ank kls 3) masih wajib dateng buat peltam karena seninnya dah TO (lagi).
lalu saya tentunya menggunanakan hari ini sebaik2nya buat seneng2, meregangkan urat2 yang tegan gr2 kecapean belajar (tai bgt, pdhal gw ga bljr haha kan critanyaaa) setelah pulang td dr rumah asbi, tiba2..
ada SMS masuk. tak kirain asbi gitu, knp haha taunya.. sms nya berbunyi spt ini,

SMS asli :
"Temen2.. kita rasa kita dah capek tiap hari belajar mulu! Bsk sbtu hr kjpit gmn kalo kita libur bsma? kita kompak gausa masuk ya? Thankz , tolong ajak yang lain ya"

tambahan :
forwardan gtau siapa, ditanya malah blg ga mau ngasih tau demi kebaikan biar banyak gitu.


-..- >> my face was like this when first i read this mssg.
hahaha i mean, gw rasa yang ngirim tuh anonim message dah stres bgt kali ya? saking stres dan tertekannya sama jadwal UN yg makin deket, dan tiap minggu, sekolah gw selalu ujian TO ujian TO, belajarnya bhn2 UN doang, trus jadi gini. sekali diaksih libur sehari gara2 tgl merah, jd ngelunjak. hahahaha

segitu stresnya kah lo (siapa pun itu) ? sorry to say, you're such a coward.
pertama, lo itu pelajar. ya tugas lo cuman belajar! lagi pula ini UN. its kind of a big deal. dan perjuangan kita tinggal dikiiiittt lagi. so what si belajar sehari doang besok? even itu harpitnas.
bosen? iya bosen bgt, siapa si yg ga bosen? gw jg bosen bgt kali dan dah jenuuh bgt. tp mau gmn lagi, i didnt take that as a pressure.

lalu, kalo lo tetep kekeuh sma harpitnas lo itu, yaudalah ga masuk aja sendiri. kenapa mst ngajak ank seangkatan. ga semua org mkr sm kayak lo. ada bbrp org yg lebih takut gosok WC sekolah nanti pas mauk drpd bolos.

gw? gw lebih seneng ketemu tmn2 di sekolah, sok2 belajar pdhal ujg2nya gw ngobrol dan bercanda di kelas, drpd mst nganggur di rumah ato ngabisin duit di luar.

so, saran dr gw, gw rasa kita ga perlu ya menganggap belajar itu sebagai beban. ujung2nya jadi tekanan tersendiri buat kita. btw,  no offense ya buat yang ngerasa ngirim dan taunya baca ini tulisan. hehe

tapiii, buat yg emg stuju sm si pengirim dgn alasan2 tertentu ya silahkan, ga masuk.

(krn akhir2 ini, di angkatan sekolah gw, kayaknya slh ngomong/ nyinggung dikit bisa kayak nginjek ekor kucing beranak. lsg anarkis dan gampang slek)

Thursday, 25 February 2010


"dosa itu enak ya. tp knp ga ada org yg mau berbuat dosa? pilih dosa tp enak apa ga enak tp ga dosa?"

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

loving this movie so much

"gini ya Ta, salah satu diantara kita tu pasti lebih punya hati atau punya otak, tapi kayaknya kamu ga punya dua-duanya deh, " - Rangga (Ada Apa dengan Cinta 2002)

"bila emosi mengalahkan logika, bener kan banyak ruginya" - Cinta (Ada Apa dengan Cinta 2002)

yes i love the place where we could see so much stars.

some timea go, i remembered i really wanted to go to Planetarium, and i made it with my friends. and they were like very amazed just like me.

now, i really want to go to Boscha. really! and then to Kamopung Daun. this time, i promise you, to anyone who will take me to there, you wont regret coming there. anyone? pleasee???

i feel sort of bored here. in the small crowded dusty town. i want to go some where quiter. boscha always reminds me of my childhood. anyone?

Tuesday, 23 February 2010


seberapa hebat sih saya bisa menahan 'ini' semua? 'ini'? ini tuh apa?
'ini' itu, sesuatu yang saya kubur sedalam2nya, saya lupakan, saya usir jauh2 tp entah knp, sepermilisecond dia akan tiba2 muncul sendiri hanya karena segelombang elektromagnetik yang mengudara milik seseorang.

lalu, saya akan mengusirnya. mengusir semua hal yang tiba2 datang dalam sepermilisecond itu. setelah diusir, ketika saya sendiri, maka dia akan datang menyerang lagi. sakit rasanya. tidak, tidak menusuk.. lebih ke.. menderita. tau dementor? iya itu. kebahagiaan saya terserap lalu pelan2 terganti sama 'ini'.

yak, dementor. dia dementor bagi saya! dia menyerap segala kebahagiaan saya. dia telah mengecup saya. jiwa saya separuh hilang. apalah itu!

lalu saya akan kembali berpura-pura normal. dan berusaha melupakan 'ini'
maka, sehebat apakah saya mampu bertahan? membohongi diri saya? bertanya-tanya.
bahkan saya sendiri ga tau saya bener2 inginkan 'ini' atau tidak.

senormal apakah saya dapat bertahan?
ah, saya benar2 sedang. rindu.
saya rasa saya terlalu muda untuk ini

tidak, ini bukan tetang dia, saya atau mereka. ini bukan subjek yang harus dipertanyakan, tapi 'ini'
kenapa setelah sekian lama, saya masih 'begini'?

saya takut suatu saat nanti, 'ini' akan meledak. lalu hilang.
saya mau ini sembuh, tapi bukan hilang, kawan.

kalau kamu masih bertahan sampai disini, kamu hebat. saya tahu itu.
terima kasih sudah membaca sampai disini, tulisan ini emang tidak begitu jelas, tapi tidak mesti semua tulisan itu jelas kan?

kalau kamu menebak saya sedang patah hati? tidak. saya tidak punya hati untuk dipatahkan lagi.
kalau kamu menebak saya sedang bosan dan berkeluh kesah disini? tidak juga, saya tidak suka menumpah ruahkan kesah saya kepada orang banyak.

jadi, saran saya, jangan menebak ini apa.
atau mencoba menebak saya.

Monday, 22 February 2010

apakah dampak cacar terhadap kamu?

ngemut vit C tiap hr (tkt over dosis nih)
bibir super kering kerontang (gara2 bekas dijejerin cacar 5 biji di bibir. hebat kan)
jadi males mandi, karena males liat sekujur badan yang full bumps.
jadi rajin minum
jadi males ekoalh, enakan ga masuk seminggu.
jadi males ol, idk why.
jadi otak lemah karena jrg dipake mikir
jadi berpikiran aneh2
barang2 (alat tulis) jadi ilang semua gara2 klamaan ga sekolah
jadi dilihat 'aneh' sm orang2 krn abs cacar as if im a deadly contagious disease -.-
jadi pgn jadi mermaid (ga nyambung deh)
jadi suka tidur diatas jam 2 pagi (bknnya emg gt Ga? oh iya bener)
jadi meler (its your damn sinus!)
jadi batuk (ini beneran)
jadi nerd
jadi ga jelas gni nih..

i have a solution for you all :)

i got prince philip haha! 
anyway, there is no place for "magic and fantastical things" ?? thats mine!

Sunday, 21 February 2010

2010 wish list (is it too late? oh who cares)

go to a concert
graduate highschool
learn how to ice skating
go on a road-trip with friends
get a tattoo
get a DSLR
internship in any radio station
go to university
grow a hair and dye it
buy a platform
make my own shirt
make more friends
stay alive.
more exercise
go to boscha

feel my heart, it is as cold as ice.

gw tau kok lo sebenernya lupa. knp gw sk nyiksa diri sendiri sih?! .. tanpa disadari. cih!


haha i purposely didnt show my birthday on facebook to see how many people really know my birthday. i am too lazy to reply strange who say happy bday to me just bcs they know it from FB :P

well, even its not a great amount of number, thank ya guys!

today, i am officially 18. what a number! and i am still sick.
its ok, i dont really like birthday anyway.

ok. i wish.. this 18th year, i could be way more mature. i could control my ego more well. i could be better person (cliche yeah)

i wish.. i could be more tougher. cause world seems harder and harder nowadays.

i wish.. i could eat cheesecake, now!
i am sick and i am not allowed to eat many kinds of food :((

argh i only can eat bitter porridge or rice with soup. huh.

anywway, i really wish the best for my life.

(mm, what do i have to say next?)

mm, let me tell you a secret, get closer, 6 the most important person(s), the most i thought of person(s) in my life, forget my birthday. they didnt say anything to me like its usual day. yeah well maybe its just usual sunday to them.
it's okay.


it's not OKAY! :(
it is okay.


Thursday, 18 February 2010

i am planning to..

have a permanent tattoo. i dont know what it would be, but yeah i want to have one! or maybe more :P and i guess, my mom will scream if she knows it haha. someday, when i no longer stay with my family. it would be on my back -behind my neck- and on my ankle.

dye my hair to yellow. haha of course not! dye my hair to.. maybe dark brown. so it wont be too catchy. just to hide my grey hair. haha

skin my hair. hmmmm. wildest thought. or at least cut it like.. one of the "so you think you can dance" judges. i dont know her name. a woman with the shortest hair among judges.

and some upcoming wild plans in my head.

yeah, those more sound like self development haha
just someday.

if we never meet again.


"maybe, if i were a a symbol, i might be a plus. + . i feel so positive lately. even when i am not."

since this is my own blog

so, i am free to write anyhting i want right?
so now, i want to scream.

(no cursing.)

its just too much. i got chicken damn pox. like now.. why NOW????
when i have so many things to do?????
fck! (many cursing mode on)

then, like this freaking disease isnt enough, my beloved computer has infected by goddamn viruses. so this box has to be formatted. and it makes everything inside my comp is gone!

then, when i was so sick,with this grossy bumps on my whole body, i had to do my try out in my house with my teacher watching me. 3 tests in a day.

what else? i miss my friends, i miss doing things instead of laying helpless on my bed.
i cant swallow, those bumps filled up my mouth, my head, every inch of my body, my temperature is up and down. blabla3.

i feel isolated. i dont know what to do.
oh crap.

somebody saves me please

Friday, 12 February 2010

buat lo semua yg masih males sekolah dan kuliah,

makan nih!!


"real beautiful girl is like a panting. the more you stare at them , more you admire them"

Thursday, 11 February 2010


 people That Say Dumb Shit 4 No Reason

show offs.

got my bedroom door open widely

girls who flirting too much even when they dont like him.

people who talk too much!!


got someone ate my food/ copy my artworks without my permission.

people who i called, ALAY! and texting L!k3 dIzZZ and dont realize they're lamee.

people who trying to make a joke (on me esp) and i dont get it bcs its lame -.-

have no time for taking a nap


yesterday was great!

i cant wait for the next photo session, and upload photos that i like!
its like running a magazine haha!

btw, today , my 2nd try out result was out, and thanks to God, mine is increasing!! yeyeyeyey! haha even its not really much its better than not.

and, i guess this blog is turning personal with all my daily update, sorry. err..


"i dont like cats, you like cats, i can like cats for you because i like you. "

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

i dont know why but i like facebook's homepage this time.


"what if, i had some kind of strange and incurable disease running on my veins?"

well, last night, i heard on one of late night radio show, he told me a pretty touching story.

there is a boy who had an epilepsy, someday, during the class (yes he is a student) he was relapse because of the uncertain weather these days. suddenly he seizures and foam start running out from his mouth. then his classmate ran immediately to his gf's class, and called her.
and then his gf's ran as fast as she can to reach out him. then she tried to calm him.

so, do you got it? i mean, this story proved that there are still such an unconditional love!
i felt so flattered how can a girl survive and trying to always be with her 'imperfect' bf.
hmm that was a rare i guess. how far you can accept someone's imperfect? how long you can get along with a boy with all his imperfection? especially when it comes to physically.

just a little update

halo halo.
yeah, i know these days i didnt make a proper or even readable posting in my blog. i didnt write any long story, just a few quotes to keep this alive.

well, as i've said, i got writer's block.
i dont know what to write and feel like what i write isnt proper enough for y'all.

i dont know, these several days, i feel so.. tired and grumpy.
i want to spare my time and being alone watch some drama romantic movies and end up with crying a lot.
i want to walk alone to go somewhere where i can eat something until i puke, where nobody knows me, and i can dance until i broke my legs!
i want to sleep until i dont need to sleep anymore
i want to, escape. haha

anyway, tomorrow, is the first yearbook's photshoot. yeah cant wait for it.
the theme is the art of africa.
so lets see how far we can go.

if i got permission to show the photos i prmisee! i will. okay?
wish me luck. and also for my second try out. which i feel more optimist.

go go go!

i feel pity on myself :/


A Bug’s Life.
Air Force One.
Alvin and the Chipmunks.
American Beauty.
Angels & Demons.
Apollo 13.
As Good As It Gets.
Back to the Future.
Back to the Future Part II.
Basic Instinct.
Batman Begins.
Batman Forever.
Beauty and the Beast.
Beverly Hills Cop.
Bruce Almighty.
Casino Royale.
Cast Away.
Catch Me If You Can
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Crocodile Dundee.
Dances with Wolves.
Deep Impact.
Die Another Day.
Die Hard: With a Vengeance.
Fantastic Four.
Fast & Furious.

Fatal Attraction.
Finding Nemo.
Forrest Gump.

Golden Eye.
Gone with the Wind.
Happy Feet.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Home Alone.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000).
I, Robot.
I Am Legend.
Ice Age.
Ice Age: The Meltdown.
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.

Independence Day.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
Iron Man.
Jurassic Park.
Jurassic Park III.
King Kong (2005).
Kung Fu Panda.

Lethal Weapon 3.
Live Free or Die Hard.
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa.
Mamma Mia!
Meet the Fockers.
Men in Black.
Men in Black II.

Minority Report.
Mission: Impossible.
Mission: Impossible II.
Mission: Impossible III.
Monsters, Inc.
Monsters vs Aliens.
Mr & Mrs Smith.
Mrs. Doubtfire.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
National Treasure.
National Treasure: Book of Secrets.
Night at the Museum.
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian.

Nothing Hill.
Ocean’s Eleven.
Ocean’s Twelve.

Over the Hedge.
Pearl Harbor.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End.
Planet of the Apes (2001).
Pretty Woman.
Quantum of Solace.
Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Rain Man.
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.
Rush Hour 2.
Saving Private Ryan.
Schindler’s List.
Sex and the City.
Shrek 2.
Shrek the Third.

Slumdog Millionaire.
Spider-Man 2.
Spider-Man 3.

Star Trek.
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope.
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back.
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.
Superman Returns.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.
Terminator Salvation.
The Bodyguard.
The Bourne Ultimatum.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. (T____T)
The Da Vinci Code.
The Dark Knight.
The Day After Tomorrow.
The Devil Wears Prada.
The Exorcist.

The Flintstones.
The Fugitive.
The Golden Compass.
The Hangover.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
The Incredibles.
The Last Samurai.
The Lion King.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
The Lost World: Jurassic Park.
The Mask.
The Matrix.

The Matrix Reloaded.
The Matrix Revolutions.
The Mummy.
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.
The Mummy Returns.
The Passion of the Christ.
The Perfect Storm.
The Proposal.

The Rock.
The Simpsons Movie.
The Sixth Sense.
The World is Not Enough.
There’s Something About Mary.
Tomorrow Never Dies.
Top Gun.
Toy Story.
Toy Story 2.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
True Lies.
War of the Worlds.
What Women Want.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
X-Men: The Last Stand.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine. X2.

Monday, 8 February 2010


"when it hurts so much you cant breathe, that's how you survive"
-grey's anatomy

Saturday, 6 February 2010

about me today

Lets start off with your birthday?

Do you have plans this year for it?
graduate from my goddamn high school and reaching my dream
Who do you text the most?
no one hihi.
Do you like texting?
sometimes, it makes things easier.
Do you like talking on the phone?
only with a select few people… like 1 people
Whats wrong with you right now?
nothing but them!
Can you commit to only one person?
commit my heart, yes, i’d like to think so.
Do you always care what you look like?
i never care what i look like, i haven’t brushed my hair in weeks actually. the best part, nobody knows.
Are you the type who tends to worry often?
When was the last time you laughed a lot?
Are you a part of a religious family?
kind of
Do you believe in God?
probably. oh yes.
Do you listen to sad music when you are sad?
Don’t you hate it when people spell your name wrong?
i dont hate it,
Is there someone who makes you happy everytime you talk to them?
Are you currently looking forward to tomorrow?
tomorrow? um, nothing really exciting is happening..i am not ready for tomorrow
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
nope haha
Did you have a good day yesterday?
Have you ever been called a bitch?
yeah, maybe. i forgot. oh yeah! hahah
Is there a girl that knows everything about you?
haha im not sure.
Do you have feelings for some one right now?
probably, no
Do they have feelings for you?
no for sure
What did you do when you woke up this morning?
i woke up at 9 then i tried to collect 'my soul' enough to get up .
Have you ever kissed some one name starting with a J?
Do you look at the keyboard when you type?
hahaa sometimes
How do you feel right now?
BETE! my usb port is broken, again for a million times! what the hell..
Miss someone right now? not so much but yes.

#14 (dedicated for DJ , you should do this to my best friend i think. she needs your support more than everything)

"when a girl faced the downiest moment, you just need to hold her tight and say 'everything will be alright' and when she's in the hardest moment, you just need to look deep in her eyes and hold her hands, then say 'keep carry on, i know you can do it' "
so, it feels like this. when we lose our faith, path, and have to choose the rightest way among those tempting way?
so this is how it feels when we have no one in our heart to clingin on?
so this is how it feels when we want something we cant have
so this is how it feels to be seriously responsible?
so this is how it feels when we have to achieve it however it may hurts
so this is how it feels when we try to maximize the minimum things
so this is it?
gw ga suka semut.
ga suka semut yang berjejer kembali ke sarang membawa makanan.
ga suka semut yang mengerubungi mangsa mereka.
ga suka semut yang jalan2 ga jelasdi deket2 gw
ga suka semut yang jalan sendirian yang lagi cari makan.
ga suka bau mereka kalo gw penyet mereka
ga suka mereka kalo mengerubungi makanan gw.
ga suka mereka kalo mereka hidup!!


there's several reasons why i dont update this bloggy

  1. i got writer's block, finally.
  2. if i have to explain what i feel or what happened to me lately, i bet this blog will be banned for cursing too much to people haha, people just become too moron these days.
  3. i have nothing to say, at least.. i dont know how to say it oral whether verbal 
  4. somehow i just forgot what i want to post.
  5. nothing interesting. so does my life.
  6. i just dont feel what i want to post is readable enough to be published. its all on my drafts.
so people, you can leave my blog for the next few days, until i got my mood again. but dont forget to come back here.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

this damn awfully week

minggu ini, berakhirlah kamu.
saya capek sama kamu, kalian.
maunya apa sih?
dikasi enak kok malah curiga, dikasi ga enak malah gamau.
dasar manusia.
mau enak aja kok susah.
dimana sih rasa saling percaya dan kekompakan?
i swear i wont miss you all if you keep being like this way.
bisa ga kalian lebih sedikit menghargai dan lebih percaya sama kita.
kita janji kok ga bakal ngecewain kalian, asal kalian mau kerja sama. suer deh!
jangan bikin kita sia2.


"magic is a fancy name of science. magic is a kind of way to keep growing our children side. magic is everything we need when we lose our faith. magic is the denial when we dont like science."

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

if you're not the one then why does my heart tell me that i am

Tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?
I don’t like anyone right now

What on your body is hurting or bothering you?

nothing, really

What was your last thought before going to bed last nite?


What are you listening to?
if you're not the one
What’s something you’re not looking forward to?

Where do you think your best friend is right now?
at home

Have you kissed anybody in the last 5 days?


Sex on the first date?

Kiss on the first date?

Is there one person you want to be with right now?


Are you seriously happy with where you are in life?


Is there something you would like to say to someone?
i have ever dreamed i was literally falling for you and you caught me. isnt it funny yet ironic?

What are three things you did today?
study, watch, sleep

Would you rather sleep at a friend’s or have them over?
sleep at theirs

What is your favorite kind of gum?

mm, evrything is okay

Are you friends with any of your ex boyfriends/ girlfriends?

What is on your wrists right now?nothing

Do you hate when people call you when you’re sleeping?

hell yeah

Ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with?


Who’s the biggest slut you know?

Does anyone have strong feelings for you?
i guess no

Are you slowly drifting away from someone?


Have you ever wasted your time on someone?


Can you do the alphabet in sign language?
i want to

How long have you had MySpace?

have no

How have you felt today?


You receive $60 without any reason, what do you spend it on?

save it

What is wrong with you right now?


Is there anyone you’re really disappointed in?


Would you rather have Starbucks or Jamba Juice right now?


Why aren’t you in ‘love’ with your last ex anymore?

just didn’t work

How late did you stay up last nite and why?

10pm. the earliest time this year. bcs i was so damn tired

When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?

just now

What were you doing an hour ago?

being online

What are you looking forward to in the next month?

please please,dont let me screw my final exam

Are you anything like you were at this point last year?


Are you wearing jeans right now?


Are you a patient person?
i have limits

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?


Favorite color?

i used to like green

Are you missing someone?

Did you have a dream last nite?


Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?

pajama pants

If someone could be cuddling you right now, who would you want it to be?

James Marsden

Do you love anyone who is not related to you?


If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?


Do you like meeting new people?

Are you afraid of falling in love?

Ever liked someone older than you?


Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?


Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough?

Tuesday, 2 February 2010


"future is calling you, Ga"

Monday, 1 February 2010


"comparison of men and women in this world is 1 : 4, so i think it's okay for men to have more than 1 girlfriend :P hahahah"


"akan seperti apa sifat anak saya nanti?"