Wednesday, 30 June 2010


"soal film, Amerika jagony, soal musik, UK rajanya. soal Trending Topic, kita (Indonesian) pemenangnya!!"
-one thought a day


"kangen jalan2 ke luar kota sekeluarga. just 5 of us."
-one thought a day

Tuesday, 29 June 2010


"lo kayak bawang. berlapis2, selalu bikin nangis tiap gue berusaha ngupas lapisannya."
-one thought a day


"marga marga, wah pamerannya bagus bgt loh.."
(bengong sesaat) 
"oh ya? haha makasih :)"
"ini pelukisnya siapa2 aja ya?"
"disini ada Denis, Dudi, Rara, Vania, Titi, Arin, Rizky, Bim, Abigail, Vina dkk, bs diliat sndr yaa hehe"
"o yaya, teman atau murid atau bgmn nih mereka?"
"wah mereka semua teman saya, mereka gambar buat saya." *songong*
"waah, beruntung sekali anda digambari oleh pelukis2 terkenal itu"
"paling suka sama gambar yang mana?"
"semua sih suka, cuma saya plg suka sm karya2nya Abigail dan Titi"
"soalnya ada pesannya hahah"
"oo, kalo dari segi kreatifitas dan artistiknya?"
"saya suka punya Siska, Vania, Rara, Dudi dan saya sendiri hahahahah"
"ooo, trus kira2 kapan nih mau ngeluncurin pameran tunggalnya?"
"wah saya belum bisa bilang ya.. haha liat aja nanti, insya allah jika Tuhan mengijinkan hahahah"
"ooo kira2 dijual ga nih lukisan2nya?"
"ngga. mereka priceless hehe cuma kalo dibayar pake kapal pesiar, saya masih bs mikir2 :P"
"oo yaya, lukisan yang paling susah didapet kira2 dari siapa?"
"siapa yaa? semua susah, saya haru mohon2 nagis darah sm mereka br digambarin T_T"
"ha iya? "
"ngga deng hihi, mbak, kok byk nanya amat si? jgn kyk reporter deh!"
"emang saya reporter -.-"
"ooh." - "tetep aja! gausa byk nanya, saya capek jawabin pertanaan mulu"
"oh yaya. maaf" *melas* "pemirsa, sekian dulu wawancara dengan ... bla3"

#akibatiseng "ehem, saya mau adakan pameran kecil2an"

by Marga. (harusnya buat dennise haha karena wkt itu msh baru dgn hal grafiti facebook, jd mala ke gallery gue)

by Dennise

by Titi

by Dudi

by Rara

by Vania
 by Devi

by Vina

by Via

by Intha

by Arin

by Rizky

by Bim

by Marga

by Siska

by Richard

by Abigail.

"thank you very mucho, i feel blessed"

Monday, 28 June 2010


saya suka bingung. dulu waktu masih di bangku SMA (cieh kesannya gue tua bgt, br lulus juga) orang2 di sekitar saya ngeluh karena kebanyakan tugas, banyak ulangan, tugas dan ulangan, ulangan byk, tugas banyak, tugas tugas, ulangan ulangan. intinya butuh libur. liburrr. begitupun dengan adik kelas saya.

tapi.. kenapa saya ga pernah merasakan itu? kemana saya pas mereka sdg triak byk tugas dan ulangan? kok gue ga pernah ngerasa sibuk ngerjain tugaa, bljr buat ulangan, atau bhkn berpusing2 sm tugas dan ulangan ya?? mungkin saya emg ngelh, tp saya ga pernah bnr2 ngerasain pressurenya.

saya jadi pengen sibuk dan ditekan deadline.


Q : how are you?
A : i am fine. i am always fine!

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Saturday, 26 June 2010

it's my favorite time.

when everybody is sleeping. the house is so quiet. i can only hear my own breath.
when everybody already go far into their dreams. when i can do whatever i want, and no one cares.
but, what most torturing at the time like this is, the loneliness getting real. and the time like this, when i miss you the most.


"and now i'm afraid. as if its coming closer to me. i need you.."
-one thought a day


"lack of appreciation makes the artist afraid to go on. support your local artist before it admitted by others"
-one thought a day

Friday, 25 June 2010


"even i have no tools, i will keep practicing."
-one thought a day


"bola itu bundar. liat aja sekarang tim besar payah begitu."
-one thought a day


"gimana ya rasanya jadi pemain bola kelas dunia? ditonton seluruh dunia, kalo gagal, dicela seluruh dunia juga. tanggung jawabnya besar, mereka dipertaruhkan orang2 hmmm"
-one thought a day

Thursday, 24 June 2010

let me introduce you, Usui.

i never like anime character. but him. why? bcs he looks like what i am looking for from my dream-boy. (except L hehe)
his name is Usui, he's from Kaichou wa Maid Sama manga.

why him? whats good from him? what makes me so fall in love with him? he's appearance? NOOOOO.

he's so charming. he can do like everything. he has a mysteriously stare. he likes Misa (lead character) but he doesnt show it. he just be there everytime Misa needs. and thats what matter most.  he can be funny and mysterious at one time. he's humble. he's caring. i dont know how to make you sure about him, but you have to watch/read this manga. so you can know what i mean. and i dont think someone like him is exist.

how to deal with me

  1. dont push me,about what should i do.
  2. dont hurry me, its useless bcs i am a true procrastinator.
  3. trust me. but dont expect things form me. i dont like expectations. i am afraid i will be disappointing.
  4. let me, be me.
  5. you can care about me, but make it not too much.
  6. i never hate or even hold a grudge to someone, but once i have, you'll better be watch out.
  7. be nice to my family = you got my heart
  8. be spontaneous. be fun. be yourself. i dont like fake people.
  9. be original, i dont like copycat.
  10. i do lie, deal with it.
kembali saya sedikit mempertanyakan.. agama.
jadi, suatu sat, teman saya pernah bilang, "lo semua itu percaya sama 'wajah hasil fantasi' manusia."

ngerti ngga? jadi, begini, muka Yesus. itu menurut teman gue, adalah hasil rekaaan fantasi manusia. toh sebenernya jg gada yang bener2 hidup di masa dia dan smpe skg masih hdp untuk menunjukkan kepada kita kan? dan kita harus mereka2 bagaimana wajah Yesus. nah, tapi gue pernah baca artikel yang bilang wajah Yesus itu 'diciptakan' dari kontur kafan yang katanya kafan dia yang pas metong di salib itu.

oke, tapi permasalahannya disini, gue agak setuju sm temen gue, krn emg gue sempet mikir gtu dulu. drmn merkea tau wajah Tuhan tuh kyk gitu? eits, tapi disini gue ga mengurangi spiritualitas gue ke dia ya. i'm just talking about his face.

dan, katakanlah, muka Yesus belum tentu begitu, itu cm rekaan manusia belaka, supaya lbh enk diimajinasikan, nah skg apa kbr sm org2 yang memuja2 Tuhan itu ganteng?

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

new hero in town - Bullseye!

just watched toy story 3. it was genius i guess. its really worth it after 11years waiting. and i love bullseye!!!

so cute cute cuteee. and it reminds me of my "mbel" - my old eeyore keychains that i used to bring to anywhere i go and haningin on my bag school. 
yeah, somehow, i always love the least noticeable characters. such as Kimmy on Rugrats, Eeyore, Bullseye, George O'Malley from Grey's Anatomy, mm, what else?
btw, i'd be so happy if i have him hanging on my bag :) anybody?

Saturday, 19 June 2010

a lil convo with my dad and a weird stranger.

(1 a.m, my father was waking up knowing i am still stuck in front of my comp)
D : kok masih bangun??! katanya besok brangkat pagi?
Me : iya ga jadi (msh browsing)
D : kenapa ga jadi??? (agak sewot)
Me : ya ga jadi aja, jadinya brgkt jam 12.
D : jam brp?
Me : jam 12
D *terdiam* : kok belom tidur?? bsk ktnya brngkt pagii!
Me : -_______________- besok jdnya brgkt jam 12.
D : knp ga jadi????
Me : -____________- *terdiam* (balik tidur gih.)

tidak, anda ga salah baca, dan saya ga salah nulis. memang bokap gue, yang entah ngigo, efek jiwa belom ngumpul, ato faktor U, ato emg iseng doang ngulang pertanyaan yang sama berkali2!! zz

lalu beberapa saat kemudian. someone talked to me by fb chat.
Stranger : hEy..
Me : ?
tranger : nAq mNaA? hEhE
Me : sori gue sombong. *appear offline*
nice try, but there is no chance for you, sorry.


"kalo lo bilang gue remaja labil. iya gue labil."
-one thought a day


"yang paling gue seneng ketika membenci seseorang adalah, dimana gue menertawakan kesalahan mereka, dan mencoba belajar untuk ga ngulangin kesalahan mereka."
-one thought a day


xml page:
  1. download the layout you want. 
  2. unsure you extract file you downloaded. (right click, extract files..)
  3. you go to your dashboard, then click design, edit HTML
  4. browse file that you just extracted, then upload.
  5. save templates.
  6. basically, tahts it. but if you want to change the page, or widgets or font in your new layout, go to page elements.
html page:
  1. download the layout you want. 
  2. no, you dont have to extract like .xml one, you just have to open it.
  3. copy the code (you dont have to be worry with all that codes)
  4. go to edit html, then click "revert to classic templates"
  5. empty the box you meet after that. yes that big box with so many unknown codes inside.
  6. then, paste it there.
  7. basically, tahts it for HTML. but if you want to change font, text or anything from your new layout, its a bit different from xml one. you cant go to page elements to change it.
  8. you have to change it yourself from those codes. yes. i hope you can it yourself.
so thats all i can help. find me if you have any trouble :)

challenge me - Day 12

hey singe,

i hate you bcs you caused me a lot of pain. stop being so similar to me. i hate it.


challenge me - Day 11

Dear, xx

its not like you thought. but i just.... you're just so snob.


challenge me - Day 10

Dear, mom.

how are you? we should talk more.


challenge me - Day 09

dear, Aaron Johnson

i have no reason why i should meet you. but i hope i can change your mind to marry her.


challenge me - Day 08

Dear, my favorite internet friend

who wants to be my favorite internet friend? bcs i have no one.


Friday, 18 June 2010


setelah seharian di Plaza Indonesia, dari dia belom buka sampe mau tutup, muterin plaza itu berulang2, membuat gue berandai.. kapan giliran hasil foto gue yang dipajang di etalase/dinding nya shop ternama semacam versace, esprit, LV, burberry dkk? they're soooooooo adorable! bukan barangnya, tp foto2 yang dipajang itu dan dijadikan iklan itu loh. oh my..

Thursday, 17 June 2010

quick update

  1. seriously, i am in the lazyyy mood. very lazy. even to post this.
  2. somebody asks me to make a tutor about changing blog layout. okay. i'll do it. later. 
  3. my mom agreed me to dye my hair, blue. HAHAHAHA okay its not exactly blue like Katy Perry's but its sort of blue. and i thought she wont agree me doing that, but, yeah.
  4. my fingers are always crossing.
  5. er.... i'm hungry. bye.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

yuk ngalah :)

tadinya, apa yang saya impi2kan selama ini, akan saya miliki, MINGGU INI.
tapi jika itu saya benar2 egois dan tidak pikir panjang.

lalu saya coba pikirkan sejenak lagi, dan perkara ini ternyata menyita banyak perhatian dari kedua pihak yang biasanya ga pernah peduli. lalu lalu, sementara mereka berdebat.

akhirnya saya aja yang mutusin (toh ini memang soal saya dan keinginan saya),dan dgn berbagai pertimbangan ini itu, bulan 8.
kenapa bulan 8? demi kebaikan bersama. saya juga tau kok ini lagi masa sulit untuk mereka. rasanya agak terlalu egois kalo saya tetep kekeuh untuk mendapatkannya minggu ini.

dan keputusan ini, sudah saya pikirkan matang2. saya ga mau jadi org yg sama tiap kali memasuki ruangan pengakuan dosa dan menyebutkan hal yang sama berulang2.
saya cuma mencoba. untuk sedikit menghargai mereka. iya egois. saya cuma gmau jadi egois untuk kesekian kalinya. saya juga punya malu dihadapan Dia.

saya sudah menunggu setelah sekian lama, apa salahnya menunggu untuk 2 bulan lagi?
meskipun, emang saya agak kecewa hehe.
masalahnya mereka ga ngerti! mereka ga ngerti saya memang butuh dan mau! mereka ga ngerti sejauh mana saya sudah jatuh cinta dan mencoba! mereka ga tau sejauh apa tinda tanduk saya.
yasudah. see you on August, mon amour.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

perjalanan pulang dari rumah titi ternyata ga semudah yang gue kira. it took a lot of obstacles!

perjalanan dimulai dari menunggu angkot ciputat-jombang yang lebih langka dari jenglot.
lalu begitu dapat, ternyata, masih harus bersabar dengan macetnya dari stasiun-pasar yang muacet banget. heran ada apaan si lewat?
terus, ditengah macet2 itu, hujan pun turun, itu membuat suasana dalam angkot makin ga oke. pengap. ujan. bau. isinya 80% abang2. tapi dibalik semua itu, gue dan Vina (@vinatoon) cukup pandai bersenang2 dengan dunia kami sendiri dengan mencoret2 kaca angkot yang berembun gara2 ujan. kami gambar bibir, menulis nama orang, gambar 'peace' gambar2 aneh, lalu terakhir, kami tulis "nabung". hahahah kind of meaningless. yah, emg brasa angkot sendiri. bodo amat.

selepas dari macet yang parah, hujan semakin deras. lalu saya pun sedikit was-was karena ga bisa liat apa dari jendela. saya pun bertanya pd Vina -yang notabenenya lebih hapal daerah itu daripada gue-
gue : vin, udah dimana ni? kelewatan lg ni ntr..
vina : iya ya.. dimana ya ni *clingakclinguk*
lalu dengan pede nya sodara2, vina bilang,
"bang nusa indah kira ya bang" selang beberapa detik kemudian, dgn tololnya vina sadar sendiri kalo ini masih agak jauh ya dari nusa indah "ehh! masih jauh yaa ga jadi bang!" spontan dia teriak dgn ekspresi bodohnya itu.

dan gue yakin semua penghuni angkot akan tertawa jika mereka mengenal kami. lalu setelah melipir untuk turun, yak, dengan kondisi hujan deras, basa2an, neduh di dpn toko cellular org seenaknya.
nyokapnya pun menjemput. dan memindahtangankan motornya kpd vina untuk mengantar gue. yah memang say merepotkan. heheh maaf ya.
tapi begitu memasuki daerah sasak, jalan nampak kering. bahkan GA UJAN. dan alhasil kita berdua nampak bodoh dan aneh dgn kondisi lepek dan berjubah anti hujan sementara org2 kering2 aja tuh.

ok. enough for today.

Monday, 14 June 2010

inilah tugas blog saya

untuk mengingatkan saya pada yang sudah terjadi, dan mengingatkan apa yang harus terjadi-dilakukan-.
catatan bulan ini :
  1. more drawings. my hand is numb enough.
  2. more listening to phoenix. it can boost my mood.
  3. more photshoot-ing.
  4. more trying to invent.
  5. more patience
  6. more more and more. oh whatever.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

"SEMANGAT GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" - thats all i can say when i saw them.
my brain was buzzing. before it got stuck. i realize, i might be nothing now. and yes i am. then i might be just need a back up. apreciation. everybody needs it.

i think, what make them better, is appreciation. and thats what i didnt get here.


"benar-benar, jangan nilai orang dari packagingnya. saya sudah banyak dikejutkan oleh orang2 di luar sana, yang nampak luarnya bukan apa2 dan ga bisa apa2, taunya wow! dan semoga saya juga dapat mengejutkan mereka."
-one thought a day

as if, but life is a choice.

pernah baca seri Goosebumps nya RL Stine?

dulu waktu SD, buku yang paling gue cari di perpus ya itu. alasannya simple. bukan karena gue suka horror ato gue ngefans sama si RL Stine ato alasan lainnya, tapi karena ada sesuatu yang menarik banget dari buku itu.

buku itu menyediakan pilihan ke kita sesuai keinginan kita. jadi misalnya.. 

si A sedang menyusuri hutan, kemudian dia mendegar isak tangis dari dalam sebuah gubuk yang berjaraj tidak jauh dari tempatnya. nah entar di footnote halaman itu, ada pilihan ;
si A memutuskan untuk masuk ke gubuk itu (halaman 56)
si A langsung lari ketakutan dan kembali ke rumahnya (halaman 128)

begitu kira2. jadi di setiap persimpangan cerita,atau scene yang lagi seru, kita sebagai pembaca dapat menjadi 'Tuhan" dalam cerita itu. kita bebas memilih bagaimana alur ceritanya (sesuai yang disediakan penulis). kalo gue baca itu, gue pasti telusurin semua pilihannya sampe bingung sendiri baca ampe mana, karena longkap2 dan pindah2 setting haha akhirnya bosen sendiri.

cuma kepikiran aja, lucu kali ya kalo hidup ini kayak buku tadi. jadi kita berhak milih dan bukannya 'ngikutin' apa yang udah digariskan Dia. and we can even go back to another choice to see what happens if we pick them. and got 2 endings.

seandainya, gue ga pernah pindah ke pamulang. seandainya gue masih disana. seandainya gue ga masuk MD dan ga kenal2 tmn2 gue skg. bakal jadi apa gue? kyk gmn gue? mgkn gue bukan gue yang skg. dan semua pilihan yang tidak bisa kita pilih itu, yang menjadikan kita, kita. ya ga sih?
iya semua yang digariskan itu.

challenge me - Day 07

Dear, my ex crush

err................................................ you got me thinking. i forgot to give you a birthday cake actually. 


Friday, 11 June 2010

challenge me - Day 06

Dear, a stranger.

lets be friends and get rid off this awkwrad :D i dont bite.


challenge me - Day 05

Dear, my dreams.

hmmmm, ive been dreaming about you long time ago. and somehow i dont even feel closer to you instead farther. but i know, im gonna reach you someday. but for now, you feel so much faraway to me. plase, dont stay away. be there, waiting for me, i'll be there.


challenge me - Day 04

Dear, my brother.

you are a ,monster to me sometimes. but somehow, you're my lil saviour. i know i am not a good sister to you, but i hope, you can learn, like i learn. i dont like helping you with maths or english, not bcs i dont want to, bcs i want you to learn it by yourself. find the right answer, by youself instead of just asking me and got the answer automatically from me. like i used to learn. i might be annoying to you, but you are more annoying than me! so, i hope you become somehting someday, bcs somehow i know you will. i can see that.


so this is a bit disturbing my mind.

jadi begini ya, panitia buku tahunan dibentuk dengan 20 lebih orang anggota, dan sekarang direncanakan untuk dibuat sertifikat which is semua kebagian. sementara dalam proses pembuatannya, cuma sebagian kecil aja dari 20 org lebih ini yang kerja. dan menghasilkan hasil yang diluar ekspektasi. tolong ya keadilannya dimana! thats why gue ga setuju dibuat sertifikat.

but, what can i say. krn kita dibentuk dgn segitu org, even dlm perjalanannya ga semua berpartisipasi dan jatah kerjanya ga jelas, ya emg hrs dibagikan ke segitu org juga. cuma mau blg sm yg dpt sertifikat dan (yang ngerasa aja) ga kerja, "malu ga lo?"

bcs honestly for me, certificate isnt mean anything for me. its just a formal paper with a bunch of bullshit signed by smart-ass old people. but ironically, we damn need this paper.
so, today, is opening FIFA world cup 2010, and unfortunately, i missed them. DAMN!
thanks to Jakarta's traffic jam.
anyway, after a looong day (which i spent more on the road rather than it supposed to be), ive thinking a lot.
  1. every tivo's is set for FIFA, and i kind of like it bcs somehow i can feel the spirit.
  2. i am soooooo egoist.
  3. i felt like i want to say "macet ya? emang enak? gue dong pake busway weeekk" while their trapped on traffic and i am inside trans jakarta.
  4. i love south jakarta. i do i do. im gonna miss it so much. people, style, hang out places, environment, weather, everything!
  5. would i give my dream away just like that?

Thursday, 10 June 2010


"i want to kill him, but i let time do it for me."
-one thought a day


"have you ever think living next door to a psycho? yes i did."
-one thought a day

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

notice that.

i realize, i might be a bit different among other teenagers (where some of them like to say 'dear' way too much and i found it.. annoying bcs they say it to everyone even to people they just know secs ago by facebook)
i like being social. but IT doesnt mean, i like to be social climber and be faking nice to everyone. like some people did as i seen so far.
ok, to be frankly, i am not a nice person. and i am just a bit shy.
and i am lazy. too lazy to say hello. too lazy to make a useless chit chat.i talk when i want. deal with it.
so, if you know me, and i dont say a word to you or even just say hello in any chances, i just.. dont want to. and it doesnt mean, i am a snob. i just think its quite unnecessary for me. plus, i'd think you find me annoying bitch who hardly want to be your friend.
but hey, i am not that anti social, okay!
want me to be nice? be nice to me first.

so please dont judge me. oh okay! judge me whatever, i dont care.

Fairy Tales And Their Original Gruesome Endings

1.Sleeping Beauty - In Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, the princess is put to sleep when she pricks her finger on a spindle. She sleeps for one hundred years when a prince finally arrives, kisses her, and awakens her. They fall in love, marry, and live happily ever after. In the original, the young woman is put to sleep because of a prophecy, rather than a curse. And it isn’t the kiss of a prince which wakes her up: the king sees her asleep, so he rapes her. After nine months she gives birth to two children (while she is still asleep). One of the children sucks her finger which removes the piece of flax which was keeping her asleep. She wakes up to find herself raped and the mother of two kids.

2. Little Red Riding Hood - The version of this tale that most of us are familiar with ends with Riding Hood being saved by the woodsman who kills the wicked wolf. But in fact, the original French version, there is no woodsman to save her, she ends up being eaten by the wolf.

3. The Little Mermaid - In the Disney version, the film ends with Ariel being changed into a human so she can marry Eric. But, in the very first version by Hans Christian Andersen, the mermaid sees the Prince marry a princess and she despairs. She is offered a knife with which to stab the prince to death, but rather than do that she jumps into the sea and dies by turning to froth.

4. Snow White - In the tale of Snow White that we are all familiar with, the Queen asks a huntsman to kill her and bring her heart back as proof. Instead, the huntsman can’t bring himself to do it and returns with the heart of a boar. In the original tale, the Queen actually asks for Snow White’s liver and lungs – which are to be served for dinner that night. Also in the original, Snow White wakes up when she is jostled by the prince’s horse as he carries her back to his castle – not from a magical kiss. The prince was planning to have sex with the dead body of Snow White.

5. Goldilocks - In this tale, pretty little Goldilocks finds the house of the three bears. She sneaks inside and eats their food, sits in their chairs, and finally falls asleep on the bed of the smallest bear. When the bears return home they find her asleep – she awakens and escapes out the window in terror. The original tale has two possible variations. In the first, the bears find Goldilocks and rip her apart and eat her. In the second, Goldilocks is actually an old hag who (like the sanitized version) jumps out of a window when the bears wake her up. The story ends by telling us that she either broke her neck in the fall, or was arrested for vagrancy and sent to the “House of Correction”.

6. Cinderella - In the modern Cinderella fairy tale we have the beautiful Cinderella swept off her feet by the prince and her wicked step sisters marrying two lords – with everyone living happily ever after. But, lurking behind the pretty tale is a more sinister variation by the Grimm brothers: in this version, the nasty step-sisters cut off parts of their own feet in order to fit them into the glass slipper – hoping to fool the prince. The prince is alerted to the trickery by two pigeons who peck out the step sister’s eyes. They end up spending the rest of their lives as blind beggars while Cinderella gets to lounge about in luxury at the prince’s castle.

so. why are you still telling me to believe in happy ending?  -the apathetic me.
because happiness is only state of mind.


"feel like a trash!"
-one thought a day

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

challenge me - Day 03

Dear, my crush.

when will i meet you?? just gimme a chance to know each other more. and i promise i wont be a stalker :P and if we destined to be, i hope it wont take a long time to find you. bcs im tired of waiting here.

see you,

for you, anon

1. Real Name : Margharetha
2.Nickname(s) : m.
3.Age : 18!!!!
4.Height : 165ish cm
5.Weight : 48kg (holiday makes me skinnier, idk why)

6.Spec or contact lens : spec
7.Horoscope : Piscess
8.Male or Female : Female
9.Tv or Games : internet
10.Primary School : SDK Kristoforus & SDK Charistas

11.Secondary School : SLTPK Mater Dei
12.Poly or Jc : ?
13.University : UBM
14.Hair colour : black-and a bit red
15.Long or short hair : medium?

16.Loud or Quiet : depends on my mood really :)
17.Sweats or Jeans : jeans
18.Phone or camera : CAMERA. i abandon my phone
19.Health Freak : nope
20.Drink or smoke : drink

21.Have a crush on someone ? : no
22.Eat or drink ? : dzigg. eat
23.Piercing(s) : noooo
24.Tattoos : not yet
25.Social or anti-social : social

26.First Relationship : .
27.First bestfriend : Meryana
48.Wealthy or happiness : happiness
49.Want to get married ? : dont know
50.Want kids ?yes
51.Careers in mind : photographer
52.Fight before ? : yes
53.Most regret of : none :)
54.Talented in : art industry
55.Weak in ? : confidence. maths. haha

56.Romantic or spontaneous ? : uhh I would go for both
57.Lip or eyes ? : eyes
58.Nice stomach or nice arms ? : arms
59.Shorter or Taller ? : taller, or at least about the same height
60.Protective or Caring : caring. if he cares he would be protective

61.Hook-up or Relationships : relationship
62.Troublemaker or hesitant : hesitant
63.Lost glasses or contacts : no
64.Ran away from home : no
65.Held a gun/knife for self defense : no


"watch out, im gonna be cooler than you."
-one thought a day

challenge me - Day 02

Dear, my disfunctional parents,

So, you are the most people i want to understand me. so please.


Monday, 7 June 2010


"yes, i am nothing now, and trying to be something."
-one thought a day

behind the yearbook

finally my yearbook is done. and today it was distributed to all 12th grades. and they said it is awesome. the most awesome yearbook ever. in MD's history i mean.

do you know whatve been through to make that damn books?
let me tell you our journey.

we had high expectations on our yearbook with a limited budget.
than, we had to get money in any ways! even scrathing rubbish. yes literally!
we met so many publisher with a different specification and quality.
we (yearbook committee) are stopped by parent committee bcs we were heading national exams

besides, we had a internal problem from yearbook committee's members itself.
at the photo shoot, from raining and limited costume, delayed schedule until a little fight were experienced by us.

and you have to know, to make 5 classes's photoshoot including head masters, teachers and staff, was so hard. i mean they couldnt be ruled! esp bcs we were lack of helping from other yearbook committee member (ehem) it was like only less than 9 people who actually working on yearbook. from 20ish.

but yes, it was worth it. the hard work ( no team hard work honestly) is paid.

moral of the journey : ga perlu bentuk panitia banyak2. cuma bikin ribut pas rapat dan bikin lelet doang. 5 org cukup. lebih efisien, lbh gampang diatur dan ga bikin sakit hati.

challenge me - Day 01

Dear, bestest friends.

i have so many friends i can say, but from all of them , i love you all the most. this is not lovey dovey words, but i mean it. you, yes you all, give me the feeling that i cant get from anyone else. you all understand me and we always have something to talk, to laugh about. and.. even though we'll separate in many ways, i hope we keep in touch, and remember me. and we dont get awkward later. and always be freak! y'all irreplaceable.


Sunday, 6 June 2010

CHALLANGE ME- it begins on Monday. yes this mondayy!!!

Instructions: You write a letter each day to the following:

Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Day 2 — Your Crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Your dreams
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror


"jika karya anda di plagiat, anggaplah itu sebuah apresiasi dan bentuk pengakuan bahwa karya anda itu lebih baik dari karya mereka yang memplagiat anda. mereka hanya terlalu malu untuk memuji anda dan memilih cara 'pintas' untuk melakukannya"
-one thought a day

Saturday, 5 June 2010

belajar mengerti arti dibalik sebuah ujian.


siapakah diantara kalian yang sedang berada dalam masa2 sulit? (ngacung tgn jg)
wah byk ya (sok2 liat) hahaha
bagus2.. saya cm pgn bilang, kalian hrsnya bersyukur msh dikasih 'ujian' sm Dia.

kenapa? artinya Dia masih sayang sm kalian dan Dia yakin kalian bisa lewatin ujian ini.

ingat kan waktu di bangku sekolah kita dikasih ujian? biar apa? biar tambah jago. tambah gape sama pelajaran itu. nah bayangkan lah hidup itu sebuah institusi edukasi dan kalian sedang dalam masa ujian yang nantinya akan membawa kalian ke tingkat selanjutnya.

ya kan? emang sih, kadang teori ini lebih gampang lewat mulut dari pada prakteknya, tapi semua teori itu dibuat berdasarkan praktek yg udah ada. jadi pada intinya teori ini adalah benar. ga percaya? coba sendiri.

lagian, masa lo mau hidup lo senang2 mlu, dari luar si mungkin enak, tapi pd akhirnya lo juga yang bakal nyesel, karena kurangnya  'rona' dalam hidup lo. too flat. boring and what so ever. kita ga bisa selalu di atas lagian.

emang si, kadang gue jg suka mengutuki, kenapa kok kayaknya hidup tuh ga adil. kayaknya, yang susah tambah susah, yang seneng tambah seneng. akhirnya gue mikir, itu semua balik lg sm yg ngalamin. its all about state of mind. bagaimana lo membangun pemikiran itu sendiri.

kalo lo susah, lalu lo terus merutuki kesusahahn tersebut, lama2 beneran tambah susah! lo seneng, dan lo terus mempertahankan kesenangan lo itu, yaudah thats it. pikiran jg pny kekuatan.

thoughts become reality, so choose a good one!

guys, please do this to us.

Things that a perfect guy will do.
1. Know how to make you smile when you are down.
2. Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice.
3. Stick up for you, but still respect your independence.
4. Give you the remote control during the game.
5. Come up behind you and put his arms around you.
6. Play with your hair.
7. His hand would always find your hand.
8. Be cute when he really wants something.
9. Offer you plenty of massages.
10. Dance with you, even if he feels like a dork.
11. Never run out of love.
12. Be funny, but know when to be serious.
13. Realize he’s being funny when he needs to be serious.
14. Be patient when you take forever to get ready.
15. React so cutely when you hit him and it actually hurts.
16. Smiles a lot.
17. Plans a romantic date full of things he wouldn’t normally do because he knows it means a lot to you.
18. Appreciate you.
19. Help others out.
20 Drive five hours just to see you for one.
21. Always gives you a kiss when you leave, even when his friends are watching.
22. Sing, even if he can’t.
23. Have a creative sense of humor.
24. Stare at you.
25. Call for no reason

Friday, 4 June 2010


"ternyata disekitar saya, byk bgt yg juga masih berjuang untuk meraih mimpi mereka. *ga boleh kalah* see you up there, guys :) "
-one thought a day

tes kejiwaan.

Ini adalah benar-benar tes psikologi. Jika kamu dapat memberi jawaban yang tepat, maka kamu benar-benar seorang psikopat
Mari kita mulai:

Ini adalah cerita seorang gadis.

Pada saat ada di upacara pemakaman ibunya yang baru meninggal, dia bertemu dengan seorang laki-laki yang belum pernah dia kenal sebelumnya.

Dia sungguh tertarik dengan lelaki ini. Lelaki ini adalah pria idaman yang selalu dia impikan sejak dulu sehingga dia langsung jatuh cinta.

Tapi sayang sekali setelah itu laki-laki tadi menghilang dan gadis tersebut tidak pernah bertemu dengan lelaki itu lagi.

Beberapa hari setelahnya, ada kejadian heboh. Gadis ini membunuh kakak perempuan kandungnya.

PERTANYAAN: Apa motif pembunuhan ini?

----thinking now----
(jawaban gue : mungkin biar tuh gadis bs ketemu lg sm cowo itu.)

jawaban yang bener :
Gadis ini berharap bahwa lelaki idamannya akan muncul lagi di pemakaman kakak perempuannya.

Jika jawabanmu seperti yang diatas, berarti kamu telah berpikir seperti seorang psikopat.

lalalalala, i dont think i am psychopath, i just think from the way psychopath would do.

Thursday, 3 June 2010


gatau kenapa saya selalu suka sama cewe yang bisa, bahkan jago nembak. kayak Charlie Angel's, Wanted, so Close, Tomb Raider, ato Mrs Smith, Hit Girl dan heroine2 sebagainya yang ada di film2.
mereka keren. sumpah saya pengen jadi mereka, terserah jahat ato baik. kalo pun jahat, itu toh karena mereka sebelumnya korban lalu membekali diri. karena emg pd dasarnya ga ada orang jahat. a bad guy once a victim

tp kenyataannya, aslinya kita ga bs sembarangan nenteng pistol kemana2, nyusup gedung ini itu seenaknya, nembak orang seenaknya.

kalo saya jago nembak, saya mungkin akan jd orang jahat kayak cewe di so close itu (lupa namanya) dan saya akan berkomplot dengan adik saya. yang (lumayan la) jago komputer.

it must be great.

or else, i'll be so

i hate THIS kind of situation. stop being so fckin narrow minded ppl!
stop terrorizing us with your child play. stop doing that fckin thing! bcs it AINT funny at all!
whats  the matter with you? mind your own damn business.
dont make me wondering about your existence,God.
i only ask you to strengthen them. 
current mood – in the mood for procrastinating what actually i have to do.
current music – tv
current hair style – messy bun
current crush – no onee
current thing I ought to be doing - editing.
current windows open - facebook, tumblr, msn, adobe
current desktop picture – AARON JOHNSON
current book –er.. nothing
what colour is your hair – brown and bit red
current piercings - none
have any tattoos -  not yet
straight hair or curly – straight
how tall are you – about 165cm
top – loose shirt
pants – short
shoes – bare foot
necklaces – none
rings – none
last person you hung out with – freaks
last thing you said out loud – OH OH!
last thing someone said to you – mau jadi dewa ha? ga makan - my mom
last person you called – none
last person that rang you – asbi
last time you cried – few days ago
did you ever get into a fist fight in school - no
did you ever run away from home - no
did you ever want to be a doctor - yeah
do you ever do something you regret – mm, yea?
believe in god – yeah i spose
know how to swim - yeaah
do you like roller coasters – yeah funfun
do you own a bike - an old polygon
do you think you’d make a good mum – YES!
have you ever asked someone out – yeye
have you ever been to the ocean – no
have you ever gone fishing - yeea
have you ever taken drugs – meds?
what are you listening to – tv
what is the temperature outside - after raining
what was the last restaurant you ate at – lupaa
what was the last thing you bought – gums
what was the last thing you had to drink – mineral
what are you watching on tv - shit
who was the last person to be kind - idk
who talked to you on the phone - mum
who is your current celebrity crush – AARON JOHNSON
who was the last person you took picture of – me and.. vania
who was the last person you said i love you to – gah dno.
ever really cried your heart out – yes
ever cried yourself to sleep – oh yep
ever cried on your friend’s shoulder - yess
ever cried over the opposite sex - yes
do you cry when you get an injury – waktu gondongan
do certain songs make you cry –  a few do actually
last film that made you cry - if only
what can make you happy – friends, good things, nice weather
do you wish you were happier - a lot more please :(
is being happy overrated – no way
can music make you happy - yeah
how many times have you had your heart broken - like 1 or 2 times
has anyone ever loved you so much that they’d die for you – pft no.
has anyone ever said ‘i love you’ to you – yeah

*drooling* plus he's bristish and only 2 years older than me!

but the damn thing is, i JUST discover he is engaged with his 42 years old girlfriend.. FINE!!